Grant Guidelines
FOR RETURNING ORGANIZATIONS (Organizations who have previously recieved a grant from the Strachan Foundation)
INSTRUCTIONS: Using the following outline, please prepare a brief proposal of 2-4 pages which answers the questions outlined in each section. Be as specific as possible.
Summarize in a paragraph:- The key problem(s) to be addressed using funds from the Strachan Foundation
- Solution(s): offer a brief description of the project, what activities you will implement, how many beneficiaries you will affect and how long the project will last.
- The outcomes you hope to achieve and the means of evaluation
- The basic funding required (total amount)
- KEY PROBLEM: Explain the key problem you are seeking to address in this proposal, including scope of the problem among target group and supporting statistical data.
- JUSTIFICATION: Describe why the strategy you propose is relevant and why you consider this intervention the most effective way of addressing the problem.
- PROJECT OBJECTIVES, ACTIVITIES AND INDICATORS: State your project goal and objectives. Ensure that your objectives are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound). For more information on SMART objective click here. Describe the activities that will help you to achieve the project objectives. Include process and outcome indicators. For more information on process and outcome indicators please click here. Include information about your target audience (i.e. the population to be served—number, gender, age groups, etc.), geographical location of project, and estimate length of the project.
- PROJECT MONITORING: How will you know that your project is succeeding? Please describe how you will monitor project processes and outcomes. Include process and outcome monitoring tables you will be using.
Budget: please provide a budget of the project that includes anticipated line item expenses and which of these will be paid by Strachan Foundation funds, by your organization’s contribution and/or by other outside donors. Please share what percentage of the organization’s OVERALL budget will be covered by this grant from the Strachan Foundation.