Selection Criteria
We want to make it simple to ask for, manage and account for donations from the Strachan Foundation. Our mechanics for grant-making are direct and minimal.
(See “How to Apply” for more specific directions.)
- Minimum requirements for organizations and projects to be considered for support:
- The project addresses an important education or health need in Central America.
- The organization is a national organization from one of the Central American countries. The Strachan Foundation does not fund US-based or EU-based international organizations working in Central America, although it does fund national organizations working together with international NGOs.
- The organization has other sources of funding. The Strachan Foundation sees its grants as supplementing the support from other organizations.
- The organization has legal standing as an NGO recognized by the national government.
- The project does not promote a specific spiritual message or political ideology. Although the Strachan Foundation offers support to organizations that have a religious orientation, the projects we fund do not proselytize project beneficiaries.
- Additional criteria for selection and ongoing support:
- The organization has an implementation plan that is feasible and effective, including a realistic and appropriate budget.
- The project has clearly defined, realistic and measurable outcomes or results for the funding period.
- The organization has adequate paid personnel and/or volunteers, both in terms of numbers and competencies, needed to realize project objectives.
- The organizational leadership has demonstrated vision, integrity, commitment and competence.
- The organization has the administrative, financial, human resource and information systems in place to responsibly, transparently and efficiently manage resources.
- The project is aimed at poor and marginalized communities and groups that have limited access to outside support and assistance.
- The project includes efforts to build the capacity and skills of the beneficiaries to direct their own development versus simply ameliorating problems.
- The project values strong community support, cohesion and joint decision-making
- The project is directed at needs that are perceived by the community and/or beneficiaries, versus addressing needs derived solely from external analysis.
- The project is striving to be both replicable in other locations and sustainable over the long-term.
- The project potentially has high impact in the medium to long range
- The organization actively seeks to link with similar organizations to avoid duplication of effort.
- The organization has generated or leveraged funding from other external donors (i.e. individuals or groups at national or international levels).
- The organization and its work are congruent with the Strachan Foundation’s mission and values.
- The organization is willing to follow the Foundation’s guidelines for accountability.